Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It's a pretty nice day, so I decided I'd like to sunbathe.

It's also fun to just look outside. Most of the time, I like to watch out the front window (I'm doing that right now. Some lady walked by our house. I barked.) Sometimes the backyard is interesting, though, and I'll watch for deer or squirrels.

One thing I love to do when the camera comes out: pose. I know which side is my good side (actually, every side is a good side). Who doesn't like to strike a pose every now and then?

1 comment:

  1. Remi - When my person leaves the house I jump on the sofa and watch her go. She waves at me. And when she comes back, I'm waiting on the back of the sofa for her. I see her and run to the back door. Yey for sofas and front room windows! And squirrels :)
